

Though they would scold me, my teachers in grade school must have been mildly amused at the way I embellished the margins of my homework with pictures of birds, cats, horses, dogs, planes, trains, etc. – anything, that is, except the subject matter at hand!

Amazingly, I was drawn to the field of education by a desire to make the classroom an exciting and creative place for learning for all students. I had a passion and a respect for the uniqueness of every child and I wanted to help teachers learn how to “connect” with each one.

Over a career that spanned 38 years (teacher, principal, superintendent, coach!) the one “BIG IDEA” I wanted every student to grasp — regardless of age — was that each one of them was a unique expression of God Himself (we’re all created in “the image of God,” right?) This being the case, they all possessed gifts and talents that would remain forever unknown and untapped unless they dared taking the risks inherent in any attempt at learning something new – and that their time in school was just the beginning of life-time of self discovery!

“Burnin’ Daylight”

“Burnin’ Daylight”



I have always had a passion for art, especially watercolors – “the unforgiving medium,” so called. But I have found it to be challenging and inviting – ever since my wife bought me my first set of paints over 55 years ago! And though I am still learning what I can and cannot do, I can’t wait to start my next painting and think, “THIS TIME, (maybe), I’LL GET IT RIGHT!”

If my art can inspire others to pursue their dreams, to be the best they can be, — to NOT be afraid of failure – and to scorn the ‘nay-sayers’ who would doubt them; then I think my art will have accomplished something noble, which is much more important than to merely serve as “eye-candy” for lovers of art.


“The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.” (Ps 24:1)

God, the greatest artist of them all, has given us mere mortals an infinite variety of inspiration! I want to reflect His handiwork as accurately as I can. Whenever I am asked what “inspires” me to paint a particular subject, I am always at a loss to know how to respond. The best answer I’ve come up with is this: whenever I see something that staggers me – that evokes a hushed, but audible, “Wow!,” I want to capture that “Wow!” with my watercolors. I don’t always succeed, in fact, RARELY DO! But the fun and joy I gain comes from the attempt. If I can stir the hearts of even a few, so that they respond with a “wow” of their own, then I’m happy to have brightened someone’s day by reminding them that beauty and joy surround them – just a glance away.

The Psalmist said: “When I consider the heavens – the works of thy hands…what is man that you are mindful of him.” (Psalm 8:1-4)

Yet, He beckons us to make the most of the talents He has given us. I like the think of my art as an expression of gratitude for the beauty with which He surrounds us every day. It’s there for all to enjoy! If my art is helpful in reminding folks of this fact, I’ll be extremely gratified.


“A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.” (Prov. 25:11)

Though this proverb speaks to the beauty and healing that can be found in a thoughtful and appropriately timed remark; art, like a well-turned phrase, can do the same.
